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Examples of My Work

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Blog Posts Attract New Clients to Your Website

Written for

the Ocotea Hotel Monteverde

Monteverde Costa Rica  (1).jpg

Written for

the Ocotea Hotel Monteverde

Written for

Meza Dental Costa Rica



Anuncio de especificaciones: juguetes ABC

Creative 02.jpg
Creative 01.jpg
Creative 03.jpg

Banner publicitariO FUE creado para una empresa ficticia.

3 paneles ciclando tres veces para permanecer en el panel final.

Dirigido a padres de 25 a 30 anos con ninos de 6 meses a 3 anos, con el deseo de nutrir su desarrollo

La copia directa, urgente y convincente en colores brillantes con imAgenes simples pero positivas capta la atenciOn e inspira la acciOn. Idealmente, este anuncio canalizaría a los consumidores a una pagina de destino dedicada a juguetes relevantes para la edad.

Colaboracion: el crédito de diseno grafico es para Bhavya Thakkar.

Anuncio de especificaciones
Página de inicio de DoorDash


Utilizando una empresa existente y siguiendo su voz de marca úunica, esta pagina de destino impulsada por los beneficios, se crea para atraer a pequenos restaurantes independientes que aun no son socios de DoorDash.

El CuenTA principal es para que se unan como socio, el CuenTA secundariA es hacer clic CON un experto y obtener mAs informaciOn sobre los servicios de DoorDash.


ColaboraciOn - Crédito de diseNo grAfico a Rakibul Islam

acerca de la copia de la pagina
mas alle de la sanacion con sonido

Buddhist Singing Bowl

Tammy es una diosa.

No hay otra forma de describirla.

Ella tiene este aura asombrosa de calma y comprensiOn que simplemente te atrae y te rodea en el momento en que te acercas.

Cuando hablas con Tammy, ella no solo  escucha y comprende lo que usted dice, ella comprende instintivamente los sentimientos y emociones que se esconden debajo de él y va directo al meollo del problema.

Beyond Sound Therapy es una pequeNa empresa de propiedad independiente que brinda entrenamiento y curacion uno a uno a través del poder del sonido.  


Comercializan úUnicamente a través de una pAgina de Facebook para la clientela local y a través de Airbnb Experiences.


Si bien el mercado objetivo varIía ampliamente e incluye tanto a la clientela local como a los turistas de la zona, el deseo comUn de todos es relajarse y aprender los mecanismos de afrontamiento de una vida estresante.


La voz de marca personal de Tammy es muy relajante, comprensiva y de nueva era. Esta capacidad úUnica de conectarse con los clientes es también su principal beneficio para ellos, una copia inspirada diseNada para hacerlos sentir cOmodos y bienvenidos.

Tammy Crusberg

Beyond Sound Healing


About Tammy Crusberg


Total Zen and Absolute Kindness


Imagine yourself enveloped in warmth and love and understanding ... all in the blink of an eye.


That’s the unique brand of comfort and energy that Tammy provides, and you can feel it the moment you come close. The moment she smiles and pulls you into a hug.


You’d never know it now, but Tammy got her start in the fast-paced world of business. Her intelligence and drive lead to financial success. But the grind of working day in and day out created stress. That stress grew into anxiety that she wasn't equipped to control.


She spiraled into a routine that lacked self-care and internalized all her stresses. After many years of toxic habits, she hit rock bottom, and wondered where to go from there.


She pulled herself out of a very dark place. One step at a time, she learned what worked and what didn’t, until she became the woman she is now. The Zen Goddess who welcomes others, takes their hands and walks them out of the dark.


Tammy uses the amazing power of sound therapies to recalibrate your body’s energies. She then helps her ‘students’ understand the cause of the stresses and anxieties.


This holistic approach to personal wellness and stress management creates a starting point. From here student learn how to change and grow and flourish, and it doesn’t end when you walk away because she cares.


She is passionate about helping others because she knows what it’s like to feel lost and overwhelmed.


Find your Zen with Tammy’s guidance, your happiness awaits.

This Bio for Tammy's "about me" page is designed to promote a sense of calm and peace while giving readers a glimpse into her past trauma. The tone is gentle and soothing to counterbalance the seriousness of the topic, and to represent her personality. The voice is soft and uses a storyteller's approach, but incorporates some of the terminology common in the health and wellness industry.

Social Media Posts offer a unique challenge.

They rely on short, simple sentences that:

  • catch your attention quickly

  • are easy to read on the fly

  • are legible on the smallest screens


This is an example of a Holiday Greeting Post for Social Media Platforms like Instagram or Facebook
71 days 'til Christmas....png

These are used to:

  • introduce new products

  • promote sales

  • share events

  • share holiday greetings

Social Media Posts

anuncio de especificaciones - branding para hudson Wine bar

Brand concept - Hudson Wine Bar

Este anuncio específico fue una colaboraciOn con Rakibul Islam. Fue un ejercicio de desarrollo de marca para un bar de vinos ubicado en el río Hudson en Nueva York. la marca estaba destinada a atraer a una audiencia principalmente masculina de empresarios y hombres de negocios con un tono que retrata el lujo, la comodidad y un toque de exclusividad, como un club de caballeros moderno o una cueva de hombres de lujo.

Para ver el alcance completo del proyecto, incluida la copia preparada para el (ficticio) sobre pAgina ... haga clic aquí

visite el portafolio de diseñadores aquI

Spec Ad - Impact Boxing Gym

This Direct Mail piece created for a fictional gym was designed to attract new customers using a traditional Lead Magnet.


Intense colours and a beautiful image catch the eye and  benefit-driven headline pulls them in.


The designer Aurangzeb Halepoto also designed a simple but effective logo that lets the customer know with one punch exactly what Pure Impact does.



Men and women ages 22–38 years who are very active and fitness conscious. They take their workouts seriously and are always looking for ways to optimize their workouts. They have busy schedules and need gyms that have extended hours to accommodate them.



To come into Pure Impact Boxing Gym to get their free three-day pass.


Design Credit Aurangzeb Halepoto

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